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Optimizing Collaboration: The Power of Co-Located Teams

米尔福德,妈妈 百家乐软件的施工专业人员不断探索,寻找最聪明的方法,使用当今施工管理领域的工具和技术来帮助我们的客户.

“协同定位”——建立一个共享的物理位置,让建设项目团队的所有成员进行协作——就是这些技术之一. Seemingly a simple concept, it only truly 作品 with foresight and commitment. When done well it saves projects time, money and headaches of all kinds. 对于consigi来说——以节省超过5个月和200万美元为例——做得很好, the co-location (“co-lo”) process 真的 作品.

Read on for a look at our optimized approach to co-located project teams:

  • How to Reduce Schedules and Changes
  • How to Integrate Co-Location within Chapter 149A
  • How We Shed 5 Months and $2 Million from our Last Project in Kendall Square

In a recent conversation about what “innovation” means at 百家乐软件, Andy deschenes -该公司跨学科项目服务集团的主管, 以及公司创新计划的团队负责人——强调了公司创造性地定制项目团队“共同定位”的例子,” for several distinctly different clients and projects.  安迪解释, “有效地使用同一地点团队的最重要步骤是在最资深的客户层面微调对流程的支持, 指导和鼓励不熟悉流程的分包商,并使时间承诺在财务上可行.”


How to Reduce Schedules and Changes

Four-Week M/E/P Coordination Reduced to Three Days, Creates Strong Team Bond for Worcester’s Telegram & Gazette Building Renovation

On the Worcester Telegram & Gazette building renovation, the coordination of mechanical, electrical and plumbing (M/E/P) systems had begun in the traditional manner, 但是,一旦团队协调了建筑物的前两层,很明显,需要一个更快的过程来跟上建设的步伐. 百家乐软件’s M/E/P Manager, 拉里•拜伦, 在伍斯特市中心百家乐软件的现场办公室与M/E/P分包商建立了为期三天的合作会议.

最初,分包商对参与有一些担忧和犹豫. As a new working method for the project’s subs, some team members were concerned that it would be a wasteful, time consuming process, rather than more efficient; while 其他s were worried about not having portable computer equipment to use in the shared working space.

To respond to these worries, 百家乐软件通过讨论工作会议将涵盖的内容,为团队准备了协作会议, before they began, and removing issues like lack of field computers and monitors, 为携带台式电脑的分包商提供电脑显示器.  每天给团队提供食物——帮助他们保持专注和团结——也没有坏处.

Once the process was underway, the results were excellent. Because the team had the primary decision-makers in the room, 他们一层一层地解决冲突,并通过协调剩下的四层楼来解决问题 三天, an effort that normally would take at least four weeks.

How to Integrate Co-Location within Chapter 149A

Accelerated M/E/P Coordination for Worcester State University’s Sheehan Hall

伍斯特州立大学(WSU)新宿舍楼项目团队客户, 建筑师和施工经理从项目一开始就一致同意使用建筑信息模型(BIM), 以及继续用于与M/E/P分包商进行建筑系统协调. At first glance though, conconsli为这个项目带来其他管理创新的能力——比如早期整个施工团队的共同办公地点——将受到该州第149A章招标立法的限制, which requires that the trade contractors are selected later, after the construction management firm has been selected. 这种顺序授予过程限制了潜艇在建造前的参与,并给建造协调带来了压力. This didn’t stop 百家乐软件’s M/E/P Coordinator, 马特·沃德, 马特意识到,虽然M/E/P承包商不会像他希望的那样早, if 百家乐软件 initiated weekly co-located working sessions with the M/E/P trades, as soon as they were on board, significant time could still be saved.

And this is exactly what the team did. Initially some of the subs resisted, their concerns varied: it was a new and different way to work, they didn’t necessarily have mobile equipment, they were concerned about their participation limiting their availability on 其他 projects—most of all they were concerned it was going to be a waste of time.

To smooth the way, 该小组为无法重新安置自己设备的潜艇提供硬件和软件, setting up a collaborative work space in the job trailer. 另外, 项目架构师和工程师每隔一周被邀请直接参与设计团队的工作. Despite the initial doubts, it quickly became clear that these sessions were in fact productive, and without them, 协调工作将无法及时完成,从而无法进行M/E/P系统的粗加工. 这个共同定位的团队过程的一个显著的成功是在新宿舍楼密集的一层机械空间的协调. This complex coordination, 这通常会持续几个月,在潜艇之间不断地来回移动, multiple drawing iterations, and countless RFIs—was completed in just four weeks, with minimal revision.

How We Shed 5 Months and $2 Million from Our Last Project in Kendall Square


作为百家乐软件在亚历山大房地产公司的肯德尔广场开发的六层225 Binney街生物技术大楼的创新项目战略的一部分, 在项目前期建设阶段,在私人开发团队的鼓励下,整个团队在项目现场共同工作. This skillful collaboration led to an almost five month reduction of the schedule 又一遍 $2 million in project savings.

Jeff Navin是百家乐软件公司宾尼街225号项目的项目主管,他对客户和整个项目过程的好处充满热情和清楚, when the project team is co-located. “整个项目团队的协同工作是非常宝贵的——这在很多方面都能提高项目效率并节省成本.”

Jeff认为共址的四大好处是:1)在非共址的团队体验中减少了与等待答案相关的低效率, 2) allows easy access to all design team members in one room, 3) reduced coordination time, and 4) reduced Requests for Information (RFIs). He also explained that, “During our Binney Street experience, we also identified the steps that lead to a successful co-location process.  我们向其他对使用协同位置团队方法感兴趣的人推荐以下指导方针.”

Guidelines for Successful Project Team Co-Location

  • Define the overall duration of co-location, and set realistic goals each day
  • Leave egos at the door. Need team players and good communicators in the room.
  • Have a comfortable working environment/make it enjoyable
  • Identify an overall leader or director in the room
  • Consider cost and schedule in every discussion or decision
  • Define roles at the beginning of the process
  • Involve managers in the process, not just designers or coordinators
  • Measure progress and action items daily
  • Hold weekly lessons learned sessions for the team
  • Use the technologies that fit the needs of the group


Because It Works: 百家乐软件’s Commitment to Co-Located Team Collaboration

如今,建筑管理的创新可能会被行业术语所掩盖, or seen as simply the newest version of a software package—at 百家乐软件, industry practices and software are where innovation begins—not ends. For this construction management company, 百家乐创新是隐藏在日常灵感和决策背后的创造性思维,这些灵感和决策是关于如何将每个项目推向最佳结果的, 有效地, and as innovatively as possible. Co-located project teams are definitely one of those ways.

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